ADC Construction Management is dedicated to creating solutions that are of the highest quality and are in accordance with all requirements, guidelines, codes, restrictions, and standards. We do this through consistent and measured quality assurance (QA) and quality control (QC) procedures. With constant monitoring and diligent documentation and attention to detail, these QA/QC procedures can often detect problems early enough to provide an easy fix.
Our history of constructability and client cost control comes from our Quality Assurance Plan. The plan was developed to ensure that all drawings and design packages submitted throughout the project are free from errors and omissions and can be fabricated and installed in the manner drawn in a coordinated effort across all disciplines. Through strict adherence to our quality control procedures, ADC-CM maintains a consistent process that guides operation and assures the success of a construction project. Our QA/QC procedures guarantee we are always providing our client with the exceptional quality in all of our projects.